There are many quick and straightforward ways to motivate people and encourage their participation in Nailted, such as periodically sharing with them an email containing the eNPS, mood map, company engagement, etc….
Use any of the templates below to share with your team to improve participation.
Share the Mood map
You can find this page here.
ℹ️ Before copying the text into your email, complete the template by filling in the grey text.
Hi team 🤚,
I'm sharing with you the status of our company as shown in Nailted’s mood map.
As you can see, it is entirely anonymous and we cannot tell who is who.
Currently, there are xx people in the red zone (apathy zone - you can see what each colour means here), meaning that not everyone in the company is feeling at their best currently.
To improve this situation, we are taking the following initiatives:
Initiative 1
Initiative 2
Without your participation we wouldn't know what we need to improve, so please keep participating in Nailted to help us make company name a better place to work. 🤗
Best Regards.
Share the eNPS
You can find this page here.
ℹ️ Before copying the text into your email, complete the template by filling in the grey text.
Hi team,
I am sharing with you the current status and evolution of our eNPS calculated through Nailted. As you can see, we have xx% of detractors and xx% of passives, and thanks to your feedback and comments in Nailted we are taking the following initiatives to improve our eNPS:
Initiative 1
Initiative 2
Without your participation we wouldn't know what we need to improve, so please keep participating in Nailted to help us make company name a better place to work. 🤗
Best Regards.
Share the engagement metric
You can find this page here.
ℹ️ Before copying the text into your email, complete the template by filling in the grey text.
Hi team,
I am sharing with you the status and evolution of the engagement of everyone in the company. You can see that it has been doing well/not so well, meaning we are doing something right/could be doing something better. These are the initiatives we will take to improve the satisfaction level in the entire company:
Initiative 1
Initiative 2
Without your participation we wouldn't know what we need to improve, so please keep participating in Nailted to help us make company name a better place to work. 🤗
Best Regards.
Sharing the claps metrics
You can find this page here.
ℹ️ Before copying the text into your email, complete the template by filling in the grey text.
Hi team,
I am sharing with you our claps statistics for the last 4 weeks and for this week. As you can see, everyone received/xx people did not receive claps and everyone/xx people have sent claps.
I want to remind you of the importance of sending claps each week to our colleagues to thank them for their effort and to acknowledge what they have done well in their day to day work, and also because Mondays with claps are simply better. 🤗
You can send claps for next Monday from
Best Regards.
Share a specific metric
(Feedback used as example)
You can find this page here.
ℹ️ Before copying the text into your email, complete the template by filling in the grey text.
Hi team,
I am sharing with you the status and evolution of the feedback metric which we have been working on improving this past month. As you can see, the level of feedback has improved/gotten worse, so to keep improving/to make it better, we have decided to take the following initiatives:
Initiative 1
Initiative 2
Remember to keep up your participation in Nailted and keep the feedback loops open and going, because the more transparent and open our communication, the better we can understand each other and the more targeted improvements we can roll out. 🤗
Best Regards.
Note: We have prepared a list of 50 initiatives you can carry out to improve your Nailted metrics and use in this example to share with your teams. Feel free to check them out and save them for when you need some inspiration!
Participation Boost
You can find more information in which cases to use a Participation Boost here.
Subject: I’d love to get your feedback
Hello [@name]
As you probably know, Nailted is anonymous, and we cannot see individual responses, but we can see participation data. I’ve noticed that in recent weeks, you haven’t answered the questions we’ve been sending out, so I’m writing to you directly.
Without your feedback, it is much harder to identify what’s going well or what’s not within the organization. While we may not always be able to make changes right away, the first step toward improvement is gathering information, and that’s why Nailted is valuable to us.
As probably you are aware, participating won’t take more than 2 minutes, so I encourage you to answer by clicking this link now. That way, we can keep improving together.
If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to drop me an email.
Thank you so much!