A key aspect to encourage people to participate in Nailted is getting them involved in the whole process. Making it in a natural way will motivate people to share their perceptions and will make them feel part of the company.
Here are a few tips you can use to improve general participation in the app:
Create a workflow.
Regularly share information with your teams.
Involve them.
Communicate initiatives.
Communicate, even if you can't make improvements.
Lean on managers.
Share positive information
Create a workflow
The best way to improve participation in Nailted is by getting people involved in the company, and with Nailted you have that possibility because it impacts your company culture, and your company culture has an impact on your people.
To involve everyone, we advise you to follow, within your own context, the subsequent workflow.
Identify problems
Once you’ve identified a metric, sub metric or question that is negatively impacting a group, make sure it’s that way by looking at the record, reviewing feedback messages, etc. -
Ask for feedback
Send these people a Feedback Request to connect with them, verify that the concern exists and understand if they have any proposal to solve the problem. (Additional info in the upcoming section “Involve them”) -
Communicate any initiative launch
If you’ve launched an initiative to improve any aspect, communicate it to the people involved.
Besides adding value to their work, these people will realize you care about improving their day-to-day, and that participating in Nailted makes sense. -
Monitor their evolution
When you detect a problem by means of a metric, sub metric or a Nailted question, you can monitor their evolution over time, this will help you understand the impact the solution is making.
Furthermore, asking is quick and easy, if you want qualitative feedback about how the solution is impacting, do not hesitate, send a Feedback Request and ask. Nailted is bidirectional. -
Communicate their evolution.
When a problem affects us, we all want to know their status.
Even if there's not a substantial change in the evolution of the problem, a good practice is communicating it to the affected people.
This kind of communication will help you foster those relationships and bonds you need to create a company culture based on feedback.
Regularly share information with your teams
Sharing information with teams is the best way for them to see where their responses are going and to corroborate two important factors: they are heard and their participation is anonymous.
Here is a list of templates you can use regularly to improve their participation.
Involve them
When you experience a problem, you always have ideas on how to solve it, don't you?
If you have detected a problem in a group, send them a Feedback Request to see together with them how to improve it. They can give you ideas, a little more info or simply corroborate that the problem exists. This way they will see that their answers are not going to a broken sack and that you listen to them.
Examples of Feedback Request:
What 3 points would you improve in [metrics] at [company name]?
What ideas can you think of to improve [metric or detected problem]?
Communicate initiatives
Having visibility on the improvement initiatives being carried out in the company is a win-win.
For the employee it is a great value to know that the company cares about improvement, he/she will be able to value the company's efforts, improve his/her engagement and visualize how these initiatives can improve his/her daily life.
For HR teams, it is a simple way to value your work. You will show the importance you give to people in the company and they will be able to value even more the work you do every day in your area.
Apart from communicating new initiatives, you can also communicate their progress. If it has had an effect, if it has been discarded or if it needs to be expanded.
We have prepared a list of 50 initiatives you can carry out to help improve your Nailted metrics and consequently participation in the app and that you can communicate to your people to give them even more visibility.
Communicate, even if you can't make improvements
Have you detected a problem but can't solve it? Of course, this happens, we do not live in the "perfect world".
Communicate with honesty, explain the situation to adjust people's expectations and whether or not you will be able to undertake it at another time. Empathy is the key piece in this communication.
These people have to understand the situations, moments and intentions of the company. If you speak with transparency, they will be able to understand the situation and in this way, even if the problem is not solved, they will know that you are aware and that you do not sweep problems under the carpet.
Lean on managers
Divide and conquer. Give managers access to see their teams, this is the best way to have a direct impact on people and also offload some of the work.
Managers are eager to know how their teams are doing and they are sure to push for their teams to actively participate in Nailted and have that much-needed data for people management.
Share positive information
A quick way to boost your people’s motivation and their participation is with small regular weekly updates you send to your teams to let them know about progress at Nailted.
People usually focus on negative aspects when presented with a lot of information (aka. negativity bias), so small positive updates will help them see that their participation has real positive effects and will want to participate more. These can be short bite-sized updates such as:
“Hey team! this month our eNPS went up x points putting it at xx%, fantastic news everyone!”