The participation in the Nailted surveys is expressed as the percentage of people who have participated out of the total number who received the survey.
💡 You can always check the exact number of people by hovering your mouse over the participation percentage.
Overall participation in each group can be reviewed on your Dashboard section, where you will find two different visualizations:
- The status of the organization on the mood map
This section shows information about all the people within your company who have participated in Nailted surveys, positioning them according to motivation, autonomy and psychological safety within one of the different zones of the mood map (see here for more information about the mood map zones).
- The Engagement in your company
The engagement section provides information about the participation on three different aspects:
- eNPS: Shows the percentage of people within the organization who have answered the eNPS question.
- Metrics: Displays the participation rate in Nailted surveys, excluding the eNPS question.
- 1:1 meetings: Allows you to review the engagement that managers have with their teams regarding the set up of recurrent 1:1 meetings.
By clicking on the eNPS and Metrics section, you can access more detailed information about your organization’s metrics and even review the participation rate by question, which will provide a deeper understanding of the data.
💡 The participation rate on submetrics and questions appears when you hover your mouse over the reliability label.