A review can be configured to run their phases in two different ways:
Manual: Administrators will be the ones starting and finishing each phase of the campaign, having full control over the review campaign.
Automatic: People move automatically depending on the duration of the phase or if they meet the criteria set out in each phase.
When a review campaign runs in automatic mode there are a series of criteria used to move people from one phase to the next.
1 From Nomination phase to Participation phase
Administrators can set the minimum number of reviews a person has to receive, when a manager assigns this minimum number of reviewers, the participant automatically moves to the participation phase.
However, if the phase finishes and the minimum number of reviews required is not reached, the following scenarios are considered:
In the event that the minimum number of reviewers is not reached but there are self-review questions or an additional reviewer to the manager and the period set for the phase has expired the participant will be automatically transferred to the participation phase.
If a participant hasn’t been assigned a reviewer and the campaign doesn’t have self-review questions, the participant will be blocked at this phase. The steps to be followed by the administrator are as follows:
Contact managers by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the Contact with participants button. Here choose the first option Nomination: To all managers with pending nominations.
Wait as long as you consider appropriate for the manager to make their nominations.
If this nomination doesn’t take place, administrators can make the nomination for the participant to move on to the participation phase or click on the button Proceed to the participation phase.
2 From Participation phase to calibration phase
If all the feedback of their reviewers has been received, participants are transferred directly to the next phase, either calibration or delivery of the results phase.
However, if a participant hasn’t received feedback from all evaluators by the end of the phase and not all reviewers give feedback by the end of the phase, the following scenarios are considered:
When the due date of the phase arrives, if a participant, apart from their self-review, has received at least 1 of their reviews (even if it is only the manager's review),they will be transferred directly to the next phase, either calibration or delivery of results.
If a participant hasn’t received any review apart from their self-review, the participant will remain in that phase until they receive feedback from one of the assigned reviewers or the administrator manually transfers them to the next phase.
Contact managers by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the Contact with participants button. Here choose the first option Participation: To all people with pending reviews.
Wait as long as you consider appropriate for people with pending reviews to give feedback.
In case that any feedback is received, administrators can manually move this person to a new phase by clicking on the three dots icon in the participant's row and either Proceed to the calibration phase or Proceed to the results delivery phase.
3 From Calibration phase to Results delivery phase
If the manager has performed the calibration of the participant results, the participant will be transferred directly to the delivery of results phase.
However, if the calibration of the results hasn’t been done by the end of the phase, the following scenarios are considered:
If the participant hasn’t received the calibration from the manager by the end of the phase, the participant will remain in the calibration phase waiting for the calibration to take place. Administrators can take the following actions in order to unblock the situation:
Contact managers by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the Contact with participants button. Here choose the first option Calibration: To all managers with pending calibrations.
Wait as long as you consider appropriate for the manager to calibrate participants' results.
If this calibration does not occur, you can:
Manually move the participant to the results delivery phase by clicking on the three dots icon in the participant’s row, and the Proceed to the results delivery phase button. This will trigger the results delivery to start depending on how it is set up, i.e. via a 1:1 meeting or by sending the results to the participants.
Change the manager responsible for performing the calibration of the results by clicking on the three dots icon in the participant’s row and selecting the Change manager of this review option.
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