It is not possible to add new questions to the regular Nailted surveys as they are specifically selected and weighted.
However, Nailted allows you to create your own custom metric containing the questions that you require along with the ones set up in Nailted surveys, allowing you to fully adapt Nailted to your organization particularities.
How to create a custom metric
To create a new custom metric, follow the steps described below:
- Go to your Engagement section and click on Custom Polls.
- To start creating your custom poll click on the Create custom poll button.
- Add a Title and a Description to your custom poll.
💡By clicking on this symbol you will be able to add the translation of your information into other languages, to fit better to your audience.
- Select the audience that you want to receive your custom poll, Everyone at your organization or Only specific groups selected from the ones you have created in the system.
⚠️Only groups with 3 or more members will appear.
- Select if you want the answers provided by the participants to be Anonymous or Identified. Once ready, click on the Continue button.
💡We recommend to use the anonymous mode because the answers that you will get will be more sincere and you will always have the possibility to segment the data by groups to uncover patterns.
6. Now it is time to add the questions that you would like to ask to your audience. Firstly select the type of question from the options provided:
- Text: These questions allow the participant to submit an open text answer.
- Numeric 0-10: This option allows you to quantitatively measure different aspects by letting you create a question with a scale that goes from 0 to 10 and select what opposite sides of the scale mean (ie. 0 is bad and 10 is good).
- Star rating: This scale allows you to measure a statement using a visual star scale. A weight is assigned to each star on the scale and then an average is calculated.
- Likert scale: It will allow you to measure a statement on a 5 points scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
- Custom Choice: This scale helps to measure a statement using a scale between 2 and 10 options, being each one of them fully customizable.
7. Add your question under What would you like to ask? Add as many questions as needed by clicking on the Add another question button. When finished, click on the Continue button.
💡By clicking on this symbol you will be able to add the translation of your information into other languages, to fit better to your audience.
- To create a custom metric select the Next survey delivery option and write the name that you would like to give to your custom metric under the Create a new metric for this recurrent poll section.
- Select the frequency for sending your questions from the options available:
- One question per each Nailted survey: One of your questions will be sent to each person within your audience every time they receive a Nailted survey.
- All questions every a certain number of months: The system will distribute the questions within the custom polls for all of them being answered by the audience according the periodicity established:
- 1 month
- 2 months
- 3 months
- 6 months
- Manual: Select custom dates in which you would like your questions to be received by your audience. One question can be configured to be sent on more than one date.
- Next, click on the Continue button where you will visualize a summary of your current set up. If you wish to group your questions in submetrics, click on the pencil icon that appears under the submetric section and write the name of your submetric on the provided text box. Once ready, click on the Save button to save your changes.
- Finally, click on the Publish survey button and your custom metric will be ready to start gathering answers.
Where can I see a custom metric information
To see the data gathered by your custom metric follow the steps described below:
- Go to your Engagement section and click on eNPS & Metrics.
- Next, click on the My metrics tab where all the different metrics will be visible.
- Finally, click on the custom metric you would like to visualize and review the data.
A custom metric works exactly like a regular Nailted metric,so you will be able to easily contrast information among all the different metrics.